Young Cities: We Don’t Care Enough
Paraguay needs young people’s perspectives to shape its cities in a progressive and more sustainable way, says Katrina Lisnichuk. A new approach could help.
Paraguay needs young people’s perspectives to shape its cities in a progressive and more sustainable way, says Katrina Lisnichuk. A new approach could help.
In Antioquia, Colombia, a groundbreaking strategic plan is poised to reshape the region's landscape. As Aníbal Gaviria Correa argues, the “Medulla: The Long City of Four Hearts” initiative heralds a new era for Antioquia by prioritising regional development.
How can we transform the landscapes of Malaysian cities into green and sustainable neighbourhoods? Wan Azlina dissects the complex interplay of historical, economic, political, and cultural factors contributing to the scarcity of green spaces in Malaysian urban neighbourhoods.
Urban Forestry can help meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – if its challenges are addressed the right way. Florencia Florido on a new report discussing inventive paths to implement Urban Forestry within European cities.
Traditional architecture is crucial in adapting to geographical conditions. However, modern materials have become a more popular choice for the masses. According to Farha Shermin and Mainak Gosh, lacking a thorough understanding of both types has led to a confusing typology.
November 17 was Solutions Day at the recent climate conference COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. To discuss how to combine financial modalities with city-level policies to facilitate public and private investment in low- and zero-carbon buildings, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development co-hosted an event with the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance. By Laura Puttkamer
To get cities back on track to avoid building towards a climate crisis, actions must start today. Donovan Storey and Etta Madete Mukuba on sustainable design principles, alternative building materials, and technologies.
Difficult environmental conditions and scarce economic resources require new building solutions within the context of displacement and humanitarian aid. Andrea Maggiolo and Michael Ulfstjerne discuss chances and challenges based on the example of the ‘Qubba Classroom’ within the Za’atari Village.
“We need a new spatial contract”, says Hashim Sarkis, curator of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition, inviting participants from all around the globe to ponder sustainability and the question ‘How will we live together’. But how just and sustainable can architecture truly be? A critical review by Aseman G. Bahadori
A fresh perspective on urban-rural linkages allows us to re-envision urban fringe areas as zones for innovative businesses, growth, and prosperity. By Kaustubh Das
Urban planners have been quick to imagine the historic changes in urban development the COVID-19 pandemic will bring about. Alexander Jachnow shares his view on the issue, suggesting we look at how much urban planning has changed after previous pandemics.
What do we envision the ideal city of the future to be like? How can we approach such an ideal in urban planning? According to Marco Dall’Orso, the (re)creation of urban environments needs to balance and integrate multiple strategies. Taking into account the quality of the socio-economic and built-natural environment, he develops a framework that can be used to analyse a city’s strengths, weaknesses, and possible trajectories for future development.
For sustainable urban planning, administrative bodies, service providers and citizens need to work together. In Kairouan, Tunisia, different actors are collaborating to put in place a comprehensive geographical information system for their city.
Yesterday, the Habitat III conference came to an end. As a milestone for sustainable urban development, the delegates adopted the New Urban Agenda. Read URBANET's full report on Quito, Day 4!