GOOD GOVERNANCE2024-01-11T14:37:22+01:00

Good Governance

Urban Governance

Local Governance of Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions: Challenges and Opportunities for Inclusive Action

By |December 17th 2024|

As climate change intensifies, cities find themselves at a crossroads. Gülfem Cevheribucak highlights how urban areas can become champions of sustainability by rethinking mobility and governance. What changes are needed to make this vision a reality?

Urban Governance

How Multi-Level Dialogue Platforms Can Drive Sustainable Urban Development

By |December 3rd 2024|

Multi-level dialogue platforms are enhancing sustainable urban development. From city networks to EU partnerships, Rene Peter Hohmann illustrates how collaboration across government tiers is shaping the future policy environment of our cities.

Urban Health

Share Information. Transform Communities.

By |September 15th 2022|

Every day millions of people around the world breathe in polluted air. After experiencing the consequences of polluted air first-hand, Alberto Mexia Sánchez and his team developed their own technology to monitor air quality and educate the people in Mexicali.

Urban Health

Urban Green Spaces’ (UGS) Potential in Residents’ Wellbeing in Rapidly Urbanising Cities in Africa: Prospects for Planning

By |September 13th 2022|

Urban green spaces (UGS) serve as an important natural resource for cities. They provide a variety of social, economic and environmental benefits which enhance the health and well-being of urban dwellers and the overall sustainability of cities. This article by Romanus Opiyo reflects on the benefits of urban green spaces and the opportunities for the deliberate provision of such areas through urban planning interventions given the improved well-being and health aspects associated with the UGS

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