GENDER AND INEQUALITIES2024-01-11T14:37:09+01:00

Gender and Inequalities

Women Experiencing Cities

The Hum of Summer Nights – Women’s Experiences of Urban Heat

By |March 26th 2024|

“Relentless heat makes outdoor activities a distant memory.” – Seven women recount what it’s like to manage their daily lives under conditions of extreme urban heat. By Marie Munzert, Lina Saleh Suleiman Abu Salim, and Emma Greer

Women Experiencing Cities

Safeguards Against Physical and Mental Health: Just and Gendered Sanitation in Tanzania

By |March 19th 2024|

Women in Tanzania often suffer from deplorable housing conditions including horrendous sanitation. Tatu Mtwangi Limbumba knows why and what to do about it.

Informality and Social Protection

Community Mobilisation Drives Social Protection and Resilience in Zimbabwean Informal Settlements

By |February 1st 2024|

Zimbabwe's informal settlements find empowerment through grassroots initiatives. From housing savings to inclusive infrastructure, Teurai Anna Nyamangara showcases how community mobilisation leads to social protection and resilience.

Informality and Social Protection

Extending Social Protection – the Solution for Informal Workers?

By |January 16th 2024|

In a world where high inflation rates and geopolitical conflicts dominate the headlines, the urgent call for universal social protection for informal workers fades into the background. But Laura Alfers knows: This crucial lifeline is more important now than ever.

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