Gender, LNOB & Feminist Development Policy

Creating Integrated and Safe Neighbourhoods for All Through International Peer Learning Exchange

By |2024-01-04T16:42:02+01:00March 30th 2023|Gender and Inequalities, Integrated Planning|

For years cities have been planned and built for only half the population: Women’s needs are represented sparsely at most. The BMWSB project “Dialogues for Urban Change” implements the approach of international peer learning to create safe public spaces for everyone.

Gender, LNOB & Feminist Development Policy

Navigating the Concrete Jungle: The Gender Divide in Urban Life

By |2024-01-04T16:42:17+01:00March 21st 2023|Gender and Inequalities, Integrated Planning|

From accessing public services to just being able to survive, the city can be a vastly different place for different genders. Join Paula Meth as she explores gender inequalities in informal urban environments.

Gender, LNOB & Feminist Development Policy

Leave No One Behind – Including Marginalised Communities Through Inclusive Urban Planning

By |2024-01-04T16:42:34+01:00March 14th 2023|Gender and Inequalities, Integrated Planning|

Implementing the concept of Leave No One Behind (LNOB) often correlates with facing multiple challenges on a municipal level. Hannah Schabert discusses lessons learnt.

Gender, LNOB & Feminist Development Policy

Feminist Urbanism: Smashing the Patriarchy in Urban Design

By |2024-01-04T16:42:53+01:00March 8th 2023|Gender and Inequalities, Sustainable Infrastructure|

Who plans cities for women? Feminist urbanism challenges traditional urban planning and design paradigms to account for women's experiences. Legal researcher and creator of the “Feminist City” podcast, Sneha Visakha, on the real-world impacts of masculinist urban planning in our cities and the power of feminist urbanism.

Cities built4climate

The ‘Qubba Classroom’: Towards Sustainable Design Solutions in Humanitarian Settings

By |2024-01-04T16:32:48+01:00November 1st 2022|Integrated Planning, Resilient Cities and Climate|

Difficult environmental conditions and scarce economic resources require new building solutions within the context of displacement and humanitarian aid. Andrea Maggiolo and Michael Ulfstjerne discuss chances and challenges based on the example of the ‘Qubba Classroom’ within the Za’atari Village.

Young Voices

Leave No One Behind – A Promise to the Urban Poorest

By |2024-01-04T16:25:11+01:00August 23rd 2022|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

Leave on one behind is a catchy phrase which is used in various contexts so often that one might forget it is also a promise. One that is unfulfilled, Franka Bernreiter argues and reminds us that neither slums nor the responsibility to create sustainable cities are exclusive to the Global South.

Leave No One Behind in Cities: How Can Knowledge Gaps About Marginalisation Be Filled?

By |2024-01-03T16:56:06+01:00July 30th 2019|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

Street dwellers and the urban poor often don’t have access to their cities’ services. One reason behind this problem is the fact that they are not surveyed and consulted in data collection. How can this gap be filled?

Sustainable Cities for All – How Can SDGs Contribute?

By |2024-01-03T16:57:30+01:00July 25th 2019|Gender and Inequalities, Resilient Cities and Climate|

Migrant workers in cities often experience exclusion and discrimination. Hoang Phuong Thao explains the particular situation of women migrant workers in Vietnam, and why SDG implementation is a great tool for integrating disadvantaged groups into the urban development process.

‘Leaving No-One Behind’ in Urban Climate Actions

By |2024-01-03T16:57:46+01:00July 23rd 2019|Gender and Inequalities, Resilient Cities and Climate|

Home to an increasing majority of the world’s population, cities are at the forefront of the fight against climate change and rising inequality. While it is recognised that these challenges need to be tackled together, one can also witness a growing awareness of the trade-offs that can occur in cases when urban climate projects insufficiently cater for the needs of vulnerable communities. Mathilde Bouyé and Delfina Grinspan outline how climate projects need to be designed in order to leave no one behind.

Transforming Cities for Inclusion

By |2024-01-03T16:59:03+01:00July 16th 2019|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

Inclusion of all citizens is a challenge to rapidly urbanising societies. Federico Batista Poitier outlines how the Global Compact on Inclusive and Accessible Cities is an important tool in this regard, providing local governments with a framework that allows them to measure inclusion in their municipalities.

Municipalities Are Learning Sustainability

By |2024-01-03T16:59:56+01:00July 11th 2019|Good Governance, Sustainable Infrastructure|

Across Germany, municipal governments are increasingly engaged in sustainable development. Thus, they are playing a key role in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, which will be assessed at the High-level Political Forum 2019. Robert Böhnke from the German Council for Sustainable Development outlines the learning processes that led and lead to municipalities' increased engagement.

Why Cities Matter: Integrated Implementation of the 2030 Agenda

By |2024-01-03T17:01:07+01:00July 9th 2019|Good Governance|

As international actors gather for the 2019 High Level Political Forum, cities have to be understood to be key players in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, writes Lennard Kehl, advisor in the GIZ Sector Project "Integrated Implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Cities and City-Regions".

Urban Design and Child Road Safety

By |2024-01-03T17:01:28+01:00July 4th 2019|Gender and Inequalities, Sustainable Infrastructure|

Walking to school is a life-threatening endeavour to many African children, where road safety measures – if existent at all – fail to recognise the special needs of children. Ayikai Poswayo, Programme Director at Amend, outlines what urban engineering needs to focus on to make cities safer for children.

Mumbai’s Young People Stake Their Claim to Play

By |2024-01-03T17:01:57+01:00July 2nd 2019|Gender and Inequalities, Integrated Planning|

Mumbai, as many other Indian cities, has failed to provide its children and youth with open spaces for playing. But there is a growing movement that demands its right to play – with considerable success, as Doel Jaikishen from Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA) writes.

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