PROMOTING PARTNERSHIPS2023-08-23T09:06:14+02:00
Climate Adaptation

Can Shared Urban Spaces Become Our Shield Against the Climate Crisis?

By |October 31st 2023|Sustainable Infrastructure|

Rethinking the role of shared urban spaces is essential in tackling the impacts of climate change, says Maria Sitzoglou. Discover how cities worldwide are transforming existing urban areas to combat extreme weather and create resilient, inclusive communities.

Climate Adaptation

A Small Town Copes With Big Disaster: What Can We Learn from Mongla in Bangladesh?

By |October 26th 2023|Resilient Cities and Climate|

Mongla in Bangladesh is facing adverse climate change impacts. What can we learn from the town’s efforts to minimise the effects using its capacity and leadership? By Lutfor Rahman

Climate Adaptation

Environmental Justice: Making a Case for Sustainable and Equitable Urban Mobility in Abuja

By |October 17th 2023|Sustainable Infrastructure|

Can Abuja's urban mobility guarantee a sustainable and equitable future? Mathias Agbo Jr. spotlights the transformative potentials of projects like the Abuja Light Rail, reimagined Urban Mass Transit, pedestrian pathways, and cycling initiatives. Discover how these innovations could offer a greener, more equitable city.

Climate Adaptation

From Risk Aversion to Climate Resilience: MHT’s Climate Risk Insurance Game

By |October 10th 2023|Gender and Inequalities, Resilient Cities and Climate|

Women are particularly affected by climate change. Chirayu Brahmbhatt introduces an innovative game on climate risk insurance for female empowerment.

Climate Adaptation

Cycling in the Heat: Overcoming Challenges and Promoting Sustainable Mobility

By |October 5th 2023|Sustainable Infrastructure|

Hot weather conditions can discourage urban dwellers from biking. Mathias Merforth introduces inspiring city approaches that promote cycling despite the obstacles faced. Join the ride!

Public Spaces and Integrated Planning

Unwind and Connect: Creating Safe and Inclusive Public Spaces in Urban Districts of Malaysia

By |September 26th 2023|Sustainable Infrastructure|

How can we transform the landscapes of Malaysian cities into green and sustainable neighbourhoods? Wan Azlina dissects the complex interplay of historical, economic, political, and cultural factors contributing to the scarcity of green spaces in Malaysian urban neighbourhoods.

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