Inequality in Cities

The Power of Data – Making Transport Systems in Africa More Equitable

By |2023-11-08T15:29:17+01:00July 25th 2023|Integrated Planning|

In Africa, gender-specific mobility needs are rarely considered in public transport due to a lack of data. Ariadne Baskin on the need to establish a more feminist transport system.


Have Digital Maps Altered Our Experience of Urban Surroundings?

By |2024-01-04T15:19:49+01:00February 10th 2022|Good Governance|

For many of us, digital maps have become an integral part of everyday life. As common as they have become, we should be aware that they change how we experience cities, argues Matthew Hanchard.

How Parking Meter Data Can Help Fight Corruption

By |2024-01-03T16:19:48+01:00August 28th 2019|Good Governance|

How can cities fight corruption? In Mexico, various cities have successfully worked with open data as an accountability tool that also improves service delivery. Ania Calderón and Eduardo Bohorquéz explain.

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