An Untapped Pool of Talent: Young Women in Latin America

By |2024-01-03T11:14:55+01:00February 26th 2019|Finance, Gender and Inequalities|

Across Latin America, software developers are urgently needed. Laboratoria, an organisation launched in Lima, Peru, focusses on meeting this demand – and, at the same time, opens urban labour markets for women.

Having a Say in What Affects Your Life: Youth Participation in Kumasi, Ghana

By |2024-01-03T11:16:41+01:00February 21st 2019|Good Governance|

In Ghana, several policies and laws aim at including youth in urban planning processes. In reality, however, youth do not take part in city development. Emmanuelle Laurinda Godjo analyses the causes and suggests measures that authorities should take.

Urban Futures: Youth Participation in the Baltics and the Balkans

By |2024-01-03T11:20:40+01:00February 19th 2019|Good Governance, Integrated Planning|

Citizen participation in urban planning is a quite new concept to begin with. And, even if implemented, cities often neglect to extend the concept to those, whose lives will be most affected by a city's development: Youth

Act Globally, Act Locally

By |2024-01-03T11:35:40+01:00February 14th 2019|Good Governance, Integrated Planning|

An oft mentioned phrase in development parlance is “think globally, act locally”. Yet, when the change we seek is improved livelihoods globally, is local action enough? Doug Ragan, Rolf Wichmann, and Raphael Obonyo claim that local action is critical yet can’t be done in isolation of national and international realities. In their article, they explore different interventions that can be utilised to address the issue of improving youth livelihoods through interventions from the local to the global.

More Than Income: How Selling Household Items Can Transform Slum Communities

By |2024-01-03T14:56:31+01:00February 12th 2019|Finance, Gender and Inequalities|

"LivelyHoods" forges economic opportunities for youth and women in Kenyan slums – while at the same time promoting clean energy. What are the project's success factors and what challenges does it face?

Youth Employment in Lagos, Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities

By |2024-01-03T14:56:57+01:00February 7th 2019|Finance, Gender and Inequalities|

In Lagos, youth are believed to constitute about 50 per cent of the population, equalling over 10 million people. Facing high rates unemployment and an ever-growing population, decision-makers need to understand both the challenges and the opportunities that characterise youth employment in Lagos, argues Oje Ivagba

Rural-Urban Migration and Youth Unemployment in Nigeria: Why Public Programmes Fail

By |2024-01-03T14:57:17+01:00February 6th 2019|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

With many young Nigerians relocating from rural to urban areas, unemployment is on the rise. Charles Ogheneruonah Eghweree and Festus Imuetinyan sketch out possible policy responses.

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