What is Next for Cities and Climate? Three Established Strategies for Advancing Climate Collaborations

By |2024-09-24T13:24:50+02:00May 27th 2021|Good Governance, Resilient Cities and Climate|

With climate change impacts intensifying in the coming years, governmental action is now needed more than ever. Paola Adriázola introduces proven collaborative strategies for municipalities and regions around the world.

How Local Governments Can Support Micro-Businesses and Start-Ups

By |2024-01-03T16:47:52+01:00August 13th 2019|Finance, Good Governance|

Start-ups and Micro-businesses drive innovation and quality control and provide employment. The intervention of local governments can create conditions where such small businesses can thrive, says Ayodotun Stephen Ibidunni.

Saudi Arabia’s Smart Cities Program: Why Local Government is Imperative to Digital Transformation

By |2024-01-03T16:50:23+01:00August 8th 2019|Good Governance|

Cities can only become “smart” if they are responsive to their citizens – therefore, local governments need to take the lead in the digital transformation, says Bilal Saghir.

A Pulse for Cities: What Makes Open Contracting Essential to Modernizing City Governments

By |2024-01-03T16:53:15+01:00August 6th 2019|Finance, Good Governance|

Contracting is an unacknowledged superpower that cities have at their disposal to ensure high-quality service delivery to their citizens. Kathrin Frauscher explains how to go about it.

Transforming Cities for Inclusion

By |2024-01-03T16:59:03+01:00July 16th 2019|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

Inclusion of all citizens is a challenge to rapidly urbanising societies. Federico Batista Poitier outlines how the Global Compact on Inclusive and Accessible Cities is an important tool in this regard, providing local governments with a framework that allows them to measure inclusion in their municipalities.

Who Captures the Gain from Urban Land Value?

By |2024-01-03T14:59:37+01:00June 4th 2019|Finance, Good Governance|

Urban land offers governments in developing countries a vital opportunity for self-financing development. While authorities often see these taxes as administratively burdensome and politically impossible, this doesn’t have to be the case.

SDG Indicators for Municipalities

By |2024-01-02T15:55:39+01:00October 10th 2018|Good Governance|

While the SDGs represent truly global goals, their implementation relies on local efforts. The initiative “SDG Indicators for Municipalities” by various stakeholders in Germany offers an extremely useful tool that allows to measure progress while paying attention to the specifics of individual municipalities.

World Urban Forum will set stage for a busy 2018

By |2024-01-02T14:56:15+01:00January 30th 2018|Good Governance|

Around 20,000 urbanists are poised to gather in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for the ninth session of the World Urban Forum. However, WUF9’s preparations for a quadrennial report will not be taking place in a vacuum. The conference comes only at the beginning of a busy year, writes Gregory Scruggs.

Cities are key for successful global climate policy

By |2023-12-19T15:32:43+01:00November 1st 2017|Good Governance, Resilient Cities and Climate|

The UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) starts next week. It is often stated that cities are key for implementing 2030 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda. But what exactly is needed for cities to fulfil this important role? Dirk Messner and Benno Pilardeaux call for better coordination, increased recognition on the global level, and more financial support.

The challenge of localising the SDGs: A reflection about Brazil

By |2023-12-19T16:58:01+01:00October 4th 2017|Good Governance, Integrated Planning|

To attain the SDGs, local implementation is key, and cities bear a special responsibility in that regard. But what does the situation really look like on the ground – is there enough awareness and commitment to this global process? Daphne Besen analyses the situation in metropolises and small and medium size cities in Brazil.

New approaches for pressing challenges

By |2023-12-19T15:18:37+01:00August 8th 2017|Good Governance|

Most people who are fleeing the war in Syria find shelter in the neighbouring countries. Their host communities are facing the challenge of providing services to a growing population, especially concerning water and energy supply and waste management. A partnership programme makes it possible for municipalities to exchange knowledge and jointly work on solutions.

“This is a very good moment for change” – Interview with Jorge Wolpert, former Executive Director of Urban Development, Land and Housing in Mexico

By |2023-12-19T14:51:13+01:00February 28th 2017|Good Governance, Integrated Planning|

In an interview with URBANET, former Executive Director of Urban Development, Land and Housing of Mexico's Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial & Urban Development (Sedatu). Jorge Wolpert explains what specific challenges Mexican cities are facing in terms of sustainable urban development.

Improving municipal service delivery through Social Accountability – progress and challenges in the Palestinian territories

By |2023-12-19T14:54:57+01:00January 19th 2017|Good Governance|

Social Accountability interventions at the local government level can bring about actual, significant improvement of living conditions for citizens. The Palestinian territories are presently at the stage of transitioning from locally focused pilot interventions towards a national institutionalisation process that encompasses all municipalities.

Working together to create a positive climate

By |2023-12-19T14:31:57+01:00December 16th 2016|Good Governance, Sustainable Infrastructure|

In a four-part series, URBANET takes a closer look at specific projects that contribute to making cities more liveable. This fourth and last part describes how a Tanzanian and a German municipality partnered up to contribute to climate protection - and to also collaborate on other issues.

“I want to stay.” New perspectives for migrants and refugees in Morocco

By |2023-12-19T14:33:19+01:00December 14th 2016|Good Governance, Integrated Planning|

In a four-part series, URBANET takes a closer look at specific projects that contribute to making cities more liveable. This third part describes efforts to better integrate and reintegrate migrants, refugees and returning migrants into local life in Morocco.

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