Womenomics for the Cities We Need

By |2024-01-04T15:50:47+01:00June 23rd 2022|

"The City We Need Now!" (TCWNN) is a campaign by UN Habitat that is inclusive and promotes gender equality. Prof. Analia Pastran, Co-Chair of the Professionals Group and Member of the Steering Committee of the UN Habitat’ World Urban Campaign, on the importance of female professional alliances.


Transforming Cities for a Liveable Future for All

By |2024-01-04T16:03:07+01:00June 14th 2022|

Making cities liveable for all remains one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. By Ingolf Dietrich, Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany.


WUF11: Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future

By |2024-01-04T16:04:49+01:00June 7th 2022|

Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), invites you to the 11th edition of the most important global conference on sustainable urbanisation.

The Future of the Brazilian City Statute

By |2024-01-04T15:17:00+01:00September 30th 2021|

On the 20th anniversary of the City Statute, it is essential to reflect on its legacy of social inclusion in Brazilian cities, recognise its strategic role within national urban frameworks throughout the world and understand how a more radical transformation of our cities can be inspired by mechanisms that this legislation offers.

Reimagining Cities

By |2024-01-04T14:59:53+01:00August 25th 2021|

For the world’s growing urban populations, the “new normal” must mean better and sustainable places to live and work, and ways to travel, for all – not just a privileged few. By Barbara Norman and Peter Newman

Civic Technology for Participatory Cities of the Future

By |2024-01-04T15:00:36+01:00August 17th 2021|

Advanced by the COVID-19 pandemic, cities are experiencing a surge in technological innovation. Among them, civic technologies hold promising solutions towards more citizen participation, argues Francesca Esses.

Blended Data Infrastructures and Localisation: Smart Urbanism in the Age of Pandemic

By |2024-01-04T15:00:54+01:00August 11th 2021|

Smart city initiatives have played an increasingly prominent role in urban planning. However, there remains a fundamental gap between data driven urban governance and promoting inclusivity. Jaideep Gupte argues that cities that prioritise citizens over technologies are likely to be the ‘smartest’ and most liveable.

Storm-Proof Housing for the Urban Poor – Lessons from Da Nang, Vietnam

By |2024-01-04T15:01:29+01:00August 3rd 2021|

For low-income families in coastal areas of Vietnam, storm and typhoon damage is a constant threat to life and well-being. However, there is a way for them to escape the vicious cycle, involving proper financial and technical support for storm-resilience housing. Nguyen Anh Tho presents experiences from Da Nang City.

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