About Andrew Jones

Andrew Jones is Research & Policy Manager at Reall, an innovator and investor in affordable housing for people on low incomes in urban Africa and Asia. A PhD-qualified multidisciplinary researcher and policy professional, Andrew works on demonstrating the commercial viability and sustainable developmental impact of Reall’s global affordable housing interventions. This includes recent peer-reviewed research on end-user housing finance innovations (Environment & Urbanization, 2020) and speaking slots at the 10th World Urban Forum (2020).

Why Housing Matters: The Impact of Affordable Housing for People on Low Incomes

By |2024-01-05T13:05:38+01:00October 15th 2020|Gender and Inequalities, Housing and Construction|

Good and affordable housing is key to people’s well-being. Andrew Jones presents the latest research from social enterprise Reall and unpacks what impact it has on the bottom 40 per cent of the income pyramid.

Housing as Healthcare: COVID-19, Affordable Housing, and Urban Resilience in Asia

By |2024-01-04T13:33:18+01:00June 9th 2020|Housing and Construction, Resilient Cities and Climate|

To ensure that cities are healthy, residents need access to affordable housing, argues Andrew Jones from Reall – a social enterprise, innovator and impact investor that has been at the forefront of affordable housing for decades.

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