Informality and Social Protection

Community Mobilisation Drives Social Protection and Resilience in Zimbabwean Informal Settlements

By |2024-02-27T09:24:40+01:00February 1st 2024|Gender and Inequalities, Resilient Cities and Climate|

Zimbabwe's informal settlements find empowerment through grassroots initiatives. From housing savings to inclusive infrastructure, Teurai Anna Nyamangara showcases how community mobilisation leads to social protection and resilience.


“It Is Ok To Not Be Ok” – How A Mental Health Programme Changes A Community

By |2024-01-04T16:20:01+01:00May 19th 2022|Integrated Planning, Sustainable Infrastructure|

The Friendship Bench is a community-based mental health counselling programme in Zimbabwe. Dr Ruth Verhey reflects on the contributions of such programmes to liveable communities for all.

The Future is Community-led: How People Are Improving Their Neighbourhoods Across Africa

By |2024-01-03T15:01:43+01:00May 16th 2019|Housing and Construction, Integrated Planning|

All across Africa, the most rapidly urbanising continent, locals are taking action to improve their neighbourhoods and get access to adequate housing and services. Leading up the UN Habitat Assembly, URBANET presents examples from Senegal, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

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