Room for Improvement: How to (Better) Integrate Housing and Labour Markets

By |2024-01-02T16:01:20+01:00September 19th 2018|Finance, Housing and Construction|

Housing and labour are mutually dependent, but their connection is overlooked in economic policies most of the time. Edmundo Werna, Ramin Keivani and Youngha Cho argue that a closer look and a different understanding of how the two markets are linked will lead to more effective solutions and better housing and livelihood conditions, especially in the Global South.

Zimnina Making: The Urban Nexus of Food, Water, and Energy in the City of Sofia

By |2024-11-08T07:16:40+01:00April 19th 2018|Gender and Inequalities, Integrated Planning|

In the Bulgarian capital city of Sofia, many people prepare pickled vegetables (zimnina) for the winter months. This widespread practice touches on basic service issues like water and energy supply, as well as food provisioning for the city’s most vulnerable residents, explains Ralitsa Hiteva from the Resnexus project.

Implementing a Nexus Approach to Sustainable Development in Urban Areas

By |2024-01-02T15:05:28+01:00April 17th 2018|Resilient Cities and Climate, Sustainable Infrastructure|

This April, the second Nexus Conference will focus on the links and trade-offs between water, energy, and food—the “nexus”—in urban areas. Cities are at the forefront of the climate challenge and the heart of the global economy, so they are critical to implementing an integrated approach to meeting the SDGs and building climate resilience.

Mitigation Through Innovation: Sustainable Water Supply in Windhoek

By |2024-01-02T11:21:59+01:00March 22nd 2018|Resilient Cities and Climate|

Windhoek—the capital city of Namibia, the most arid country in Sub-Saharan Africa—has long met its severe water challenges through innovation. But its growing population is increasing its demand for water while climate change exacerbates scarce supplies. On the occation of World Water Day 2018, Pierre van Rensburg highlights the city's innovative augmentation strategies to keep the crisis from becoming a catastrophe.

Sustainable development in the metropolitan century: where do we stand one year after Habitat III?

By |2023-12-19T16:33:42+01:00October 27th 2017|Good Governance|

One year has passed since the historic adoption of the New Urban Agenda, two since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda. Is the implementation of the agendas on track? What are obstacles and how can we improve the process?

Live from Quito, Day 2: Inter-municipal partnerships

By |2023-12-19T14:12:17+01:00October 19th 2016|Good Governance, Integrated Planning|

Strengthening cities as actors for sustainable development is one of the main targets of the New Urban Agenda. Inter-municipal partnerships, which enable cities to learn from each other, where at the heart of yesterday's discussions in Quito. Read URBANET's report to find out more!

Integrated Resource Management in Asian cities: The Urban Nexus

By |2023-12-19T14:24:13+01:00October 11th 2016|Resilient Cities and Climate, Sustainable Infrastructure|

The "Urban Nexus" is a theoretical and technical approach to integrated urban development. It introduces innovative and environmentally-friendly engineering solutions to improve the physical infrastructure of cities, and also promotes people-centered development. Our authors Ruth Erlbeck and Ralph Trosse describe how a low-cost, climate change resilient pilot house was built in the Philippines as part of the Nexus project.

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