Sustainable Development from Electronic Waste in Lomé, Togo

By |2024-01-03T16:17:17+01:00April 24th 2019|Sustainable Infrastructure|

The large amount of electronic waste is a serious challenge in Lomé, Togo. At WoeLab, tech-savvy young people come up with solutions that clean the environment, ensure recycling of electronic waste, and educate residents on how to manage and valorise their electronic waste.

Waste Prevention Strategies for Sustainable Urban Development

By |2024-01-03T10:22:43+01:00April 4th 2019|Sustainable Infrastructure|

In order to save energy and resources, and to prevent waste from harming the environment, recycling is not enough. Cities should try to avoid waste production altogether, argue URBANET authors Carina Koop, Jennifer Schinkel, and Henning Wilts.

Sustainable Consumption and Production in Dhaka, Bangladesh – A Story of A New Beginning

By |2024-01-02T15:14:07+01:00July 23rd 2018|Sustainable Infrastructure|

Achieving SDG 12—Responsible Consumption and Production—would entail the implementation of various other SDGs, argues Farah Kabir. ActionAid Bangladesh aims at raising awareness and changing consumption patterns in the capital city of Dhaka.

Urban Mining – recovering materials in metropolitan regions

By |2023-12-19T14:53:08+01:00February 2nd 2017|Resilient Cities and Climate, Sustainable Infrastructure|

To what extent can cities be used as ‘anthropogenic material stocks’? How can international cooperation contribute? In the following interview, Professor Liselotte Schebek from Darmstadt’s Technical University and Uwe Becker, who manages a GIZ-run project in India, share their views on these issues.

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