Casa Minha Nosso Bairro: Inclusive Urban Development in Maputo, Mozambique

By |2024-01-02T18:54:10+01:00November 8th 2018|Housing and Construction, Integrated Planning|

Projects aimed at the upgrading of settlements often face the question of how to increase living standards for all residents – while keeping housing costs at a level affordable for the original population. The initiative "Casa Minha Nosso Bairro" takes an innovative approach towards this issue, aiming at living conditions that nurture a peaceful living environment for all urban residents

Urban Festival in Maputo: Tapping into the potentials of urban citizenry

By |2023-12-19T14:44:16+01:00November 19th 2016|Good Governance, Integrated Planning|

How can citizens become more actively involved in urban development? The Second Urban Festival that took place in Maputo, Mozambique, earlier this month offered various urban actors, stakeholders and inhabitants a multifaceted platform to come together, exchange ideas and jointly reflect upon their city’s development.

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