About Sonia Dias

A sociologist by training, Sonia refers to herself as a “garbologist” and specialises in solid waste management. Sonia has been active in the field in Brazil since 1985 with a focus on promoting the integration of social inclusion aspects into the technical planning of waste collection and recycling. Through her graduate studies and PhD she has delved deeply into the role of participation in solid waste management in Brazil and the role of the local governments in strengthening waste pickers' organisations in Belo Horizonte City. She is WIEGO´s waste specialist at the Urban Policies Programme.

Creating Decent Jobs Through Waste Pickers Cooperatives

By |2025-02-12T12:49:50+01:00May 2nd 2018|Gender and Inequalities|

In precarious working environments, cooperatives hold an immense potential to increase social and economic inclusion of marginalized groups. Sonia Dias uses the examples of waste pickers cooperatives to illustrate how the concept of cooperatives helps implement the four pillars of the International Labor Organisation’s Decent Work Agenda—and calls on policy makers to create a favourable environment for this organisational form.

“I hope the New Urban Agenda will be a tool” – An interview with Sonia Dias from WIEGO

By |2023-12-19T14:48:50+01:00March 10th 2017|Gender and Inequalities, Integrated Planning|

Sonia Dias has been working with grassroots organizations and in the informal sector in Brazil and beyond since the 1980s. A sociologist by training, her work focusses on participatory processes in waste management, always keeping the focus on the role of women in this field. In an interview with URBANET she spoke about what women can do to better make their voice heard and be more empowered in the city.

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