About Shivani Chaudhry

Shivani Chaudhry has been working with Housing and Land Rights Network in New Delhi, India, since 2004. Before that, she worked with the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) in Washington, D.C., USA. She was a member of the Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development's Task Force on Land Reforms. She has been involved with developing tools and standards to monitor housing and land rights, and writes and speaks on these issues regularly.

The Human Rights Dimensions of India’s Smart Cities Mission

By |2024-01-02T15:10:04+01:00August 16th 2018|Integrated Planning, Sustainable Infrastructure|

Shivani Chaudhry from the Housing and Land Rights Network argues that India’ Smart Cities Mission lacks a human rights dimension – with highly problematic consequences.

“The New Urban Agenda lacks a human rights focus” – Interview with Shivani Chaudhry from the Housing and Land Rights Network

By |2023-12-19T15:10:12+01:00March 23rd 2017|Gender and Inequalities, Housing and Construction|

The absence of a human rights approach and the lack of a focus on social justice in the New Urban Agenda is an cause of concern, says Shivani Chaudry from the Housing and Land Rights Network. In her interview with URBANET, she discusses these issues in relation to housing.

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