About Prabha Khosla

Prabha Khosla has worked with cities and on urban issues for over 20 years. She has worked with a wide range of stakeholders. Her work focuses on gender equality, cross-cutting inequalities and pro-poor participatory planning and governance, urban sustainability, climate change, dis-aggregated data collection and use WASH, and the development of capacity-building materials on the issues mentioned above. She has written and published extensively on these issues.
Inequality in Cities

Bogota: Centring Women’s Care Work as a Core Municipal Function

By |2024-05-15T10:00:42+02:00July 18th 2023|Gender and Inequalities, Integrated Planning|

In Bogota, Care Blocks are transforming the lives of unpaid caregivers, providing essential services and empowerment. Prabha Khosla explores the empowering impact of these initiatives and the path towards gender-inclusive cities.

A Place Like Too Many Others: Gender Inequality in Bawana, Delhi

By |2024-01-03T10:25:36+01:00March 8th 2019|Gender and Inequalities, Sustainable Infrastructure|

In urban settlements around the world, city administrations struggle, and often fail, to provide essential services, safe spaces, and socio-economic securities to residents. While this poses difficulties and dangers to all inhabitants, the consequences of such neglect are especially severe for low-income women and girls.

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