About Lorena Zárate

In 2000, Lorena Zárate started collaborating with Fomento Solidario de la Vivienda (FOSOVI), other members of the Mexico Habitat Coalition (CHM) and the Urban Popular Movement to or-ganise the first World Assembly of Inhabitants. Between 2003 and 2011, she was the coordinator of the Latin American Regional Office of Habitat International Coalition (HIC) and was later elect-ed as president of HIC (2011-2019). In 2013, she was awarded with the John Bousfield Distin-guished Visitorship from the Geography and Urban Planning Program at the University of Toron-to, Canada. Lorena studied History at the National University of La Plata, Argentina.

By the People, For the People: Social and Environmental Revitalisation of the Caño Martín Peña, Puerto Rico

By |2024-01-02T15:09:42+01:00August 22nd 2018|Gender and Inequalities, Integrated Planning|

Improving the living conditions in low-income communities always entails the threat of gentrification processes, eventually displacing the original residents. Lorena Zárate claims that this is not an inevitable outcome, as can be seen in the success of the Caño Martín Peña Land Use Plan.

“Some very important elements were left out of the New Urban Agenda” – Interview with Lorena Zárate from Habitat International Coalition

By |2023-12-19T15:11:38+01:00March 16th 2017|Gender and Inequalities, Housing and Construction|

National and local governments must value and support community-driven development, says Lorena Zárate. In her interview with URBANET, she discusses viable and non-viable approaches to housing, democracy, and everybody's Right to the City.

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