About Imme Scheit

Imme Scheit has been working for GIZ since 2012 and manages the regional programme “Sharing of Knowledge between municipalities in the Maghreb and Germany” (CoMun) at the GIZ office in Eschborn.

Good partnerships – An interview with Brigitte Riegelbauer, mayor’s office in the city of Bamberg

By |2023-12-19T14:46:00+01:00November 10th 2016|Good Governance|

Town twinnings play an important role when it comes to mutual understanding and learning processes. In an interview with Imme Scheit, head of administration and deputy chief officer of the mayor’s office in the city of Bamberg Brigitte Riegelbauer explains how these partnerships can be successfully implemented.

Municipal Knowledge Sharing – German and Maghrebian cities in dialogue

By |2023-12-19T14:46:28+01:00November 3rd 2016|Good Governance|

If the New Urban Agenda is to be a success, it is of vital importance that cities form partnerships and learn from each other. Such activities are already under way: in this article, URBANET presents an example of municipal knowledge sharing between cities in the Maghreb region and cities in Germany.

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