About Alessandro Galimberti

Alessandro Galimberti is a Senior Social and Economic Development Specialist with a masters degree in Economics. He spent the first part of his professional career as Marketing and Commercial Director in different international companies. During the last ten years, he has worked in Africa as Country Director and Team Leader for the AVSI Foundation, a leading NGO in the sector of slum upgrading, education and renewable energies. For AVSI, he has supervised the strategy design, the startup and management of ICSs production and distribution activities in different countries such as Mozambique, Uganda and the Republic of the Congo. He now supervises the climate change and clean cooking sectors and is technical advisor for urban development.

PPP for Energy Efficiency in Favelas: A Success Story from Brazil

By |2024-01-03T16:58:35+01:00July 18th 2019|Gender and Inequalities, Sustainable Infrastructure|

Access to energy is considered a key factor in development and progress. Especially in informal settlements, provision of energy can be challenging. Alessandro Galimberti outlines how Public Private Partnerships that include local CSOs have been key to solving this problem in many of Brazil's favelas.

Empowering Syrian Refugees Through Cash for Work Programmes

By |2024-01-02T18:43:33+01:00December 18th 2018|Gender and Inequalities, Integrated Planning|

Living as a refugee is difficult, and often aggravated by not being able to work and earn money in your host country. In Southern Jordan, refugees and locals take part in urban regeneration efforts.

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