Poverty and Hunger

The Right to Food: School Feeding Initiatives and Inequality in Kenya’s Urban Informal Settlements

By |2024-01-05T13:00:56+01:00November 30th 2023|Gender and Inequalities, Integrated Planning|

Interconnected crises are fuelling food insecurity and negatively impacting children the most. Serah Kiragu-Wissler is convinced: School feeding programmes can push processes towards the realisation of a right to food.

Young Voices

GDP, GDP Everywhere, Welfare on the Brink!

By |2024-01-04T16:27:28+01:00August 9th 2022|Resilient Cities and Climate, Sustainable Infrastructure|

In order for the coming generation to have a future, governments, corporations, and individuals should focus less on economic growth and more on creating a sustainable system Zainab Bie argues.

Young Voices

Digital Surveys to Access Marginalised Views in Favela Communities

By |2024-01-04T16:28:02+01:00August 4th 2022|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

The study of favelas has been characterised by traditional methods, usually consisting of paper-and-pen interviews and field research. Recent studies suggest that digital platforms are a convenient way to access marginalised populations. Maria Luisa Tarozzo Kawasaki shares her experiences with digital surveys in São Paulo's favela Vila Missionaria and explains how they caused her to develop Neibz, a software tool for urban data surveying.

How the Pandemic Can Teach Us to Leave No Child Behind

By |2024-01-04T15:38:44+01:00January 13th 2022|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

While online learning may not be the panacea for problems caused and amplified by COVID-19, it’s certainly a great place to start, writes Lindiwe Matlali, Founder and CEO of Africa Teen Geeks.

Having a Say in What Affects Your Life: Youth Participation in Kumasi, Ghana

By |2024-01-03T11:16:41+01:00February 21st 2019|Good Governance|

In Ghana, several policies and laws aim at including youth in urban planning processes. In reality, however, youth do not take part in city development. Emmanuelle Laurinda Godjo analyses the causes and suggests measures that authorities should take.

Youth Employment in Lagos, Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities

By |2024-01-03T14:56:57+01:00February 7th 2019|Finance, Gender and Inequalities|

In Lagos, youth are believed to constitute about 50 per cent of the population, equalling over 10 million people. Facing high rates unemployment and an ever-growing population, decision-makers need to understand both the challenges and the opportunities that characterise youth employment in Lagos, argues Oje Ivagba

“(Mis-)Educating the Ghettoes of our world” – is there a Collective Neglect of the Role of Education for Youth in Violent Cities Around the World?

By |2023-12-19T15:19:18+01:00July 26th 2017|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

The world’s population is becoming younger, and the majority of people under the age of 25 are living in the rapidly growing cities of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Reports claim that a disproportionate proportion of youth live in impoverished, unplanned, and often highly violent urban settlements where they are more likely to be both victims and perpetrators of urban violence. What education strategies are needed in order to improve their situation?

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