Women Experiencing Cities

The Hum of Summer Nights – Women’s Experiences of Urban Heat

By |2024-03-26T12:21:21+01:00March 26th 2024|Gender and Inequalities|

“Relentless heat makes outdoor activities a distant memory.” – Seven women recount what it’s like to manage their daily lives under conditions of extreme urban heat. By Marie Munzert, Lina Saleh Suleiman Abu Salim, and Emma Greer

Creating Culturally Vivid Urban Spaces and Places – Lessons from the 10th World Urban Forum

By |2024-01-04T13:26:58+01:00February 18th 2020|Good Governance, Resilient Cities and Climate|

In February 2020, one of the most important events for urban planners took place: The 10th World Urban Forum. This year, it was Abu Dhabi’s turn to host the conference with an attendance of about 13,000 international guests and the theme “Cities of Opportunity: Connecting Culture and Innovation”. While one might argue that cities have more pressing issues to tackle these days, such as climate change, inequality, or immigration, there were some interesting lessons to be learned, Laura von Puttkamer reports from Abu Dhabi.

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