Urban Health

“One Healthy” Parks: Where People and Biodiversity Thrive

By |2025-02-06T17:32:24+01:00September 20th 2022|Resilient Cities and Climate|

The link between better mental health and urban green spaces is undeniable – and people want to enjoy them more. Jéssica Felappi makes a point to use this momentum to invest in quality urban green spaces that benefit people, animals and the environment.

Young Voices

Digital Surveys to Access Marginalised Views in Favela Communities

By |2024-01-04T16:28:02+01:00August 4th 2022|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

The study of favelas has been characterised by traditional methods, usually consisting of paper-and-pen interviews and field research. Recent studies suggest that digital platforms are a convenient way to access marginalised populations. Maria Luisa Tarozzo Kawasaki shares her experiences with digital surveys in São Paulo's favela Vila Missionaria and explains how they caused her to develop Neibz, a software tool for urban data surveying.


Urban Challenges in Post-COVID Times

By |2024-01-04T15:50:14+01:00June 30th 2022|Good Governance, Housing and Construction|

The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated existing challenges in the domain of social inclusion and housing. Cynthia Goytia on how cities can rise to these challenges and which solutions have already proven successful in urban Latin America.

Building Rights and Municipal Finance – The Experience of São Paulo, Brazil

By |2024-01-03T14:58:43+01:00June 6th 2019|Finance, Good Governance|

Revenue from building rights, or land value capture, plays an important role for municipal finance. Martim O. Smolka and Camila Maleronka report on the specific challenges and achievements in the city of São Paulo.

Sao Paulo’s Strategy for Organic Waste Management

By |2024-01-03T16:19:21+01:00April 11th 2019|Sustainable Infrastructure|

In Brazil, Latin America’s largest country in terms of population, the City of Sao Paulo is committed to recycle organics. In 2015, the City embarked on a journey towards separate collection of organics, thus enabling the production of high-quality compost.

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