Green Energy in Cities

Cities at the Crossroads: Powering Urban Energy Futures Amid Global Crises

By |2025-01-23T13:02:44+01:00January 23rd 2025|Resilient Cities and Climate|

Cities are central to the energy transition. They balance climate action, economic growth, equity, and resilience. Amid geopolitical shifts, urban action and innovation remain critical. By Rohit Sen and Kanak Gokarn

Country Series: Colombia

Empowering Colombian Cities: Pioneers in Climate Action and Energy Resilience

By |2024-05-30T10:58:20+02:00May 28th 2024|Allgemein|

Colombian cities face a stark paradox - emitting just a fraction of global greenhouse gases, yet disproportionately vulnerable to climate impacts like extreme weather and energy insecurity, explains Carolina Hernández. Despite minimal contributions, they bear the brunt.

Just Transition

Can the Western Balkans’ Quadruple Energy Crisis Finally Unleash a Just Transition?

By |2024-01-05T12:48:57+01:00January 24th 2023|Resilient Cities and Climate, Sustainable Infrastructure|

The Western Balkans have been steadily working towards decarbonisation, a critical step for the region which relies heavily on coal. However, the region has faced several crises in recent times. Pippa Gallop of CEE Bankwatch Network offers a timely analysis of the Western Balkans' long-term planning for a just transition, including the role of the European Union.

Don’t Waste Wastewater! Wastewater-to-Energy in Urban Pakistan

By |2024-01-04T15:15:11+01:00October 12th 2021|Sustainable Infrastructure|

Climate-resilient and energy-efficient cities need to think about water reuse. Especially in South Asian countries like Pakistan, where the potential of wastewater-to-energy systems is incredibly high. By Masooma Batool

Cape Town’s Future is Renewable

By |2024-01-03T10:23:49+01:00March 26th 2019|Sustainable Infrastructure|

Cape Town is committed to providing clean, affordable and accessible energy to all its residents. Increasing the use of renewable energy, implementing innovative financing options, and challenging national energy legislation are some of the ways the city hopes to shift away from a history of inequality, writes Mary Haw.

How to Reduce Nigeria’s Urban Carbon Footprint

By |2024-10-14T09:01:21+02:00July 24th 2018|Resilient Cities and Climate, Sustainable Infrastructure|

By increasing the share of renewables in Nigeria’s energy production, a growing urban population will be able to attain energy supply and greenhouse gas emissions will go down, says author Ifeoma Malo from Power for All.

Sustainable cities – towards a low-carbon and resilient future

By |2023-12-19T15:31:36+01:00November 9th 2017|Resilient Cities and Climate, Sustainable Infrastructure|

What does a sustainable urban future look like? In a new video, municipal officials, urban experts and local residents from around the world talk about urban challenges, solutions for climate-friendly cities and future needs for low-carbon urban development.

Cities & Climate Change | Infographics

By |2023-12-19T15:31:50+01:00November 8th 2017|Resilient Cities and Climate, Sustainable Infrastructure|

How does climate change impact cities and urban citizens around the world, and what can cities do to not further contribute to global warming? URBANET's infographics show current trends regarding issues such as water and energy supply, solid waste management, and urban green.

Working together to create a positive climate

By |2023-12-19T14:31:57+01:00December 16th 2016|Good Governance, Sustainable Infrastructure|

In a four-part series, URBANET takes a closer look at specific projects that contribute to making cities more liveable. This fourth and last part describes how a Tanzanian and a German municipality partnered up to contribute to climate protection - and to also collaborate on other issues.

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