Urban Health

Expanding the Frontiers of the Lagos Bus Rapid Transit

By |2024-01-04T16:40:32+01:00September 22nd 2022|Sustainable Infrastructure|

Public transportation systems are about so much more than bringing you from A to B. Engineer and transport planner Otunola Abiodun Adebayo sheds light on emerging urban transport systems in Lagos, Nigeria, Africa’s most populous city, from the perspective of urban health and safety.

Urban Health

“One Healthy” Parks: Where People and Biodiversity Thrive

By |2025-02-06T17:32:24+01:00September 20th 2022|Resilient Cities and Climate|

The link between better mental health and urban green spaces is undeniable – and people want to enjoy them more. Jéssica Felappi makes a point to use this momentum to invest in quality urban green spaces that benefit people, animals and the environment.

Urban Health

Share Information. Transform Communities.

By |2024-01-04T16:21:50+01:00September 15th 2022|Good Governance|

Every day millions of people around the world breathe in polluted air. After experiencing the consequences of polluted air first-hand, Alberto Mexia Sánchez and his team developed their own technology to monitor air quality and educate the people in Mexicali.

Urban Health

Urban Green Spaces’ (UGS) Potential in Residents’ Wellbeing in Rapidly Urbanising Cities in Africa: Prospects for Planning

By |2024-01-04T16:22:23+01:00September 13th 2022|Good Governance, Resilient Cities and Climate|

Urban green spaces (UGS) serve as an important natural resource for cities. They provide a variety of social, economic and environmental benefits which enhance the health and well-being of urban dwellers and the overall sustainability of cities. This article by Romanus Opiyo reflects on the benefits of urban green spaces and the opportunities for the deliberate provision of such areas through urban planning interventions given the improved well-being and health aspects associated with the UGS

Why Cities Are Letting Down Children

By |2024-10-25T12:08:59+02:00December 14th 2021|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

Many diseases are caused by environmental risks – and it is our youngest and most vulnerable who need utmost protection. Yet, they are not getting what they deserve, says Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, Director of Air Pollution and Urban Environment at ISGlobal. A plea for urgent change.

Making Water and Sanitation Work for the Poor in Kenya

By |2024-01-04T13:32:15+01:00June 16th 2020|Gender and Inequalities, Sustainable Infrastructure|

A well-functioning system for water and sanitation must address the needs of under-served urban residents. Eden Mati-Mwangi shows how a systems-change approach can have a lasting impact on Kenya’s sanitations sector.

Urban Settings Need New Approaches

By |2024-01-04T08:57:11+01:00December 12th 2019|Integrated Planning, Sustainable Infrastructure|

The traditional relief-rehabilitation-development paradigm does not hold true in urban conflict zones. A combined approach of long-term support for systems reinforcing short-term support for individuals would meet people’s needs, secure development gains, and represent value for money. The cost of failing to adapt is simply too high, argues Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Empowering Youth to Make Informed Sexual and Reproductive Health Decisions

By |2024-01-02T15:59:08+01:00October 2nd 2018|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

Rates of unplanned pregnancies and STD infections are high among youth in Kenya’s informal settlements. Jane Otai from Jhpiego calls for comprehensive education and non-judgmental health services.

Cities are Engines of Transformation – and Urban Health is the Fuel

By |2024-01-02T15:08:05+01:00April 4th 2018|Gender and Inequalities, Sustainable Infrastructure|

The benefits of cities are rarely distributed equitably. Particularly for the poor and disadvantaged, cities have a high rate of health hazards and risks. To address these dangers, city leaders need to take a multidisciplinary, rights-based approach. Maria Jose Amilibia argues that by leveraging cities’ unique opportunity to scale up essential services, we can truly transform the urban health landscape.

Antananarivo, Madagascar: Partnership for water access transformation

By |2023-12-19T15:23:01+01:00December 14th 2017|Good Governance, Integrated Planning|

In order to reach the Sustainable Development Goals related to water, sanitation and hygiene, the government of Madagascar has drawn up an action plan and commissioned JIRAMA, the country’s state-owned electricity and water provider, to improve access to safe water supply.

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