Rethinking Resilience In Bangladesh’s Urban Slum Communities: An Experimental Thought

By |2024-01-04T15:44:56+01:00March 30th 2022|Gender and Inequalities, Housing and Construction, Resilient Cities and Climate|

When thinking about the resilience of urban poor, it is worthwhile to think of resilience as a dynamic process of transition on individual and household level, argue Zakir Hossain and Mostafizur Rahman.

Infographics: Urbanisation and Urban Development in Bangladesh

By |2024-01-04T15:48:01+01:00March 10th 2022|Housing and Construction, Sustainable Infrastructure|

URBANET presents another country series, inviting readers to learn about urbanisation and urban development in Bangladesh! We kick off our focus weeks with a set of infographics. We offer you facts and figures from this young nation, where rapid urbansiation has been presenting urban planners and policymakers with various challenges and potentials alike.

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