Where the Rubber Hits the Road: Localising Climate Action in Cities

By |2024-03-01T15:36:23+01:00March 1st 2024|

Since COP28 in Dubai in December 2023, the role of cities and local governments in implementing climate and sustainability goals has come to the forefront. At the recently concluded United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 6) in Nairobi, the Cities Summit on February 23rd focused on localising climate action, Laura Puttkamer reports.

Migration and Climate

Climate-induced Displacement: Loss and Damage in Bangladesh

By |2023-11-08T14:49:58+01:00November 7th 2023|

As climate change exacerbates displacement and loss in Bangladesh, Saleemul Huq and Lutfor Rahman call for a collaborative global effort to address loss and damage funding. The upcoming COP28 in Dubai may be a game changer.

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