The Talanoa Dialogue: How Cities and Regions Can Deliver on the Promise of the Paris Agreement

By |2024-01-02T15:03:49+01:00April 27th 2018|Good Governance, Resilient Cities and Climate|

Why should urban, regional and national decision-makers alike pay attention to the Talanoa Dialogue? This process, which was initiated by the Fijian COP23 Presidency, presents an exciting opportunity to align the national and subnational spheres of climate action. Throughout 2018, URBANET will report on the issue in a new series of articles.

After COP23, it is now up to local and national leaders to act on their promises

By |2023-12-19T15:25:19+01:00November 22nd 2017|Good Governance, Resilient Cities and Climate|

With COP23 now over, it is again up to nation states and local governments to act and implement their agreements. Wrapping up the reporting on the conference, Lou del Bello looks at coordinating climate action, and necessary changes in infrastructure and urban policy.

COP23 enters second week: island states stress urgency to act

By |2023-12-19T15:31:20+01:00November 14th 2017|Resilient Cities and Climate|

COP23 continues into its second week: Rising ambition for climate protection is not enough, say mayors as cities, regions and business claim their place at the UN table. Being at the frontline of climate change impacts, island states call for urgent practical actions. Lou del Bello reports from Bonn.

COP23 kicks off in Bonn: cities in the limelight

By |2023-12-19T15:32:05+01:00November 7th 2017|Good Governance, Resilient Cities and Climate|

On November 6, the UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) started in Bonn, Germany. Under the presidency of Fiji, for two weeks delegates from around the world are negotiating the implementation of the Paris Agreement with a focus on developing guidelines for transparency, emission reductions, provision of finance, and technology. What role do cities and regions play at COP23, and what is new compared to previous climate conferences? Lou del Bello reports from Bonn.

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