Urban Health

Share Information. Transform Communities.

By |2024-01-04T16:21:50+01:00September 15th 2022|

Every day millions of people around the world breathe in polluted air. After experiencing the consequences of polluted air first-hand, Alberto Mexia Sánchez and his team developed their own technology to monitor air quality and educate the people in Mexicali.

Urban Health

Urban Green Spaces’ (UGS) Potential in Residents’ Wellbeing in Rapidly Urbanising Cities in Africa: Prospects for Planning

By |2024-01-04T16:22:23+01:00September 13th 2022|

Urban green spaces (UGS) serve as an important natural resource for cities. They provide a variety of social, economic and environmental benefits which enhance the health and well-being of urban dwellers and the overall sustainability of cities. This article by Romanus Opiyo reflects on the benefits of urban green spaces and the opportunities for the deliberate provision of such areas through urban planning interventions given the improved well-being and health aspects associated with the UGS

Urban Health

Enhancing Pedestrian Safety Through Effective Pedestrian-friendly Infrastructure in African Cities

By |2024-01-04T16:22:41+01:00September 8th 2022|

It is the responsibility of both the national and municipal governments to assure pedestrian safety, which is a fundamental human right. In this brief article, Louis Kusi Frimpong addresses the relationship between a lack of pedestrian infrastructure and health outcomes, as well as some pedestrian infrastructure required to enhance pedestrian safety on roads in Africa.

Young Voices

Hey, Urban Planners Do Not Forget to Plan as When You Were a Child.

By |2024-01-04T16:23:24+01:00September 1st 2022|

Young people in Cali are taking over the city with tactical urbanism to address their concerns and are asking urban planners to also include the youngest of society. As adults tend to plan spaces in terms of effectiveness and productivity, Michel Zuluaga addresses the need to include more young people in those processes and shares some successful experiences.

Young Voices

Leave No One Behind – A Promise to the Urban Poorest

By |2024-01-04T16:25:11+01:00August 23rd 2022|

Leave on one behind is a catchy phrase which is used in various contexts so often that one might forget it is also a promise. One that is unfulfilled, Franka Bernreiter argues and reminds us that neither slums nor the responsibility to create sustainable cities are exclusive to the Global South.

Young Voices

Digital Surveys to Access Marginalised Views in Favela Communities

By |2024-01-04T16:28:02+01:00August 4th 2022|

The study of favelas has been characterised by traditional methods, usually consisting of paper-and-pen interviews and field research. Recent studies suggest that digital platforms are a convenient way to access marginalised populations. Maria Luisa Tarozzo Kawasaki shares her experiences with digital surveys in São Paulo's favela Vila Missionaria and explains how they caused her to develop Neibz, a software tool for urban data surveying.


Affordable New Delhi: Developments, Challenges, and Opportunities

By |2024-01-04T15:48:40+01:00July 14th 2022|

Changing discourses have characterised New Delhi's housing policy over time. Piyush Tiwari and Jyoti Shukla outline developments and call onto the public and private housing institutions to provide equal access to decent and affordable housing.


Urban Challenges in Post-COVID Times

By |2024-01-04T15:50:14+01:00June 30th 2022|

The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated existing challenges in the domain of social inclusion and housing. Cynthia Goytia on how cities can rise to these challenges and which solutions have already proven successful in urban Latin America.


The New Image of Polish Cities

By |2024-01-04T16:04:36+01:00June 9th 2022|

Grzegorz Puda, Polish Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy, writes on how Polish cities have managed to transform into friendly metropolises bustling with city life. What were the development paths, how did they learn to capitalise on their advantages? Those questions will certainly be among topics that Poland will be presenting at the World Urban Forum (WUF) in Katowice.


WUF11: Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future

By |2024-01-04T16:04:49+01:00June 7th 2022|

Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), invites you to the 11th edition of the most important global conference on sustainable urbanisation.

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