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So far URBANET has created 53 blog entries.

The world urban population | Infographics

By |2023-12-19T12:15:19+01:00August 25th 2016|

What are we talking about when we talk about urbanisation? How is it going to effect the world in the years to come? Urbanet's infographics on the world urban population provide you with key figures and numbers about citites' development trends worldwide.

PrepCom III in Surabaya: Finding a joint position on the New Urban Agenda

By |2023-12-19T12:16:29+01:00August 23rd 2016|

PrepCom III held in Surabaya in July 2016 was supposed to finalize the New Urban Agenda. However, finding a common ground on the institutional framework that enables urban development and on the follow-up of the New Urban Agenda turned out to be difficult, and the draft is now expected to be finalised during informal consultations in New York.

Voices on the New Urban Agenda

By |2023-12-19T12:25:04+01:00July 26th 2016|

From 1 to 2 June 2016 more than 1.000 urban development experts met in Berlin during the German Habitat Forum. We asked several of the attendees what they think should be at the core of the New Urban Agenda. Here are their answers.

The challenges of urbanisation – How cities have to reinvent themselves

By |2023-12-19T12:25:42+01:00July 21st 2016|

Across the world, people are relocating to cities. They are the places in which global challenges emerge, but at the same time, where change and progress are shaped. The New Urban Agenda has to support cities to fulfil their role as central actors for sustainable development.

Financing sustainable development: the role of cities as the key for necessary investments

By |2023-12-19T11:45:11+01:00July 21st 2016|

In order for cities to be able to fulfil their role as actors and spaces for sustainable development, they require solid financing. The growing need for investment in respect of infrastructure poses a great challenge for cities across the globe to find new ways for them to be able to increase their often scarce resources.

Shortcut: The Berlin Recommendations for the Cities of Tomorrow

By |2023-12-19T10:45:51+01:00July 21st 2016|

In the course of the German Habitat Forum taking place on 1 and 2 June 2016 in Berlin the so called “Berlin Recommendations” were developed and ultimately passed by more than 1000 participants from 74 countries. Here are the recommendations in short.

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