

JAGA MISSION – Transforming Lives, Leaderships, and Liveability

By |2024-01-04T15:42:31+01:00April 21st 2022|Gender and Inequalities, Housing and Construction|

The Indian state of Odisha has initiated a slum upgrading programme that acknowledges residents as city makers. Preeti Prada Panigrahi presents its advantages and successes.

Thinking Together Urbanisation and Agriculture: What do Farmers do Under Rapid Urban Growth?

By |2024-01-04T15:12:47+01:00November 11th 2021|Good Governance, Sustainable Infrastructure|

The global debate on agriculture under urbanisation has often focused a priori on the replacement of agricultural uses by built-up space. It thereby often overlooks new opportunities for agriculture at the urban periphery.

Regularising Unauthorised Colonies in Delhi: A Missed Opportunity to Improve Gendered Access to Land?

By |2024-01-04T14:24:25+01:00April 1st 2021|Gender and Inequalities, Housing and Construction|

Delhi’s recent regularisation scheme PM-UDAY promises to improve tenure security of about 5 million residents – a highly ambitious task considering the gendered implications of land tenure security in India. Can the scheme deliver on its potential and strengthen women’s land ownership? By Sonal Sharma, Smriti Singh and Sukrit Nagpal from SEWA Bharat

Regularising Unauthorised Colonies in Delhi: Well-Intended but Not Enough

By |2024-01-04T14:24:39+01:00March 30th 2021|Gender and Inequalities, Housing and Construction|

A recent regularisation scheme promises to improve the tenure security of about 5 million Delhi residents. But how inclusive is the scheme and does it keep pace with the realities on the ground? Sukrit Nagpal, Smriti Singh and Sonal Sharma from SEWA Bharat take a critical look.

Local Value Addition in India’s and Indonesia’s Construction Raw Materials Sectors

By |2024-01-05T13:03:51+01:00January 26th 2021|Housing and Construction|

Construction raw materials are a source for local value addition – if their potential is fully tapped. The sector project "Extractives and Development" of the “The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources" (BGR) presents its research results – and emphasises the need to pay special attention to labour rights and environmental protection.

Contestations over Informal Settlements: Which Way Forward? An Interview

By |2024-01-04T14:02:29+01:00October 22nd 2020|Gender and Inequalities, Housing and Construction, Integrated Planning|

Ethiopia is experiencing unprecedented population growth. Despite large government housing programs, there are more and more informal settlements in the country, and cases of forceful displacement and evictions are on the rise. In the virtual event “Ways forward for informal settlements”, Tania Berger from Danube University Krems discusses options for inclusive urbanisation with an international panel.

India’s Housing Crisis: A Gender Perspective

By |2024-01-04T14:04:03+01:00October 8th 2020|Gender and Inequalities, Housing and Construction|

With 17 per cent of India's urban population living in informal settlements, affordable housing has become a pressing issue. It is imperative, writes Swapnil Saxena, that any housing scheme recognises the particular vulnerabilities women experience in urban settings and focusses on women’s rights.

It’s Time to Change the Housing Conversation

By |2024-12-20T13:20:18+01:00October 6th 2020|Housing and Construction, Sustainable Infrastructure|

Safe, affordable housing is not an end in itself but should be interwoven with other interventions to improve access to related services and benefits. As the pandemic exacerbates shortcomings in housing programmes around the world, Vidhee Garg on the need to re-think housing and to look beyond its purely quantitative aspects.

Urban Development in Mumbai and its Effect on Coastal Communities

By |2024-01-04T13:45:15+01:00September 8th 2020|Good Governance, Integrated Planning|

Coastal regions have always had significant historical and socio-political value, making them the target of ambitious urban development plans. Amit Devale zooms in on the situation of Mumbai’s indigenous coastal tribes and their relationship with the city – and how local government plans affect their lives.

And I Thought Public Spaces are Meant for Everyone!

By |2024-01-04T13:45:38+01:00September 3rd 2020|Gender and Inequalities, Sustainable Infrastructure|

Public spaces in India lack even the most basic amenities, making them unsafe for women and the vulnerable. Priya Varadarajan explores different obstacles and solutions – and recounts a very personal tale of what it means to be a woman in today’s India.

COVID-19: How Prepared is Urban India?

By |2024-01-04T13:30:37+01:00June 24th 2020|Gender and Inequalities, Good Governance|

The current pandemic is a serious challenge for Indian cities. But Soumyadip Chattopadhyay, Simi Mehta and Arjun Kumar argue the outbreak of contagious diseases is less of a natural disaster – and maybe more of a man-made one. Of inequalities, poor infrastructures and the way forward.

Energy and Resources from Wastewater: A Triple-Win Solution for Cities in China and India

By |2024-01-04T13:42:38+01:00April 30th 2020|Good Governance, Sustainable Infrastructure|

Drawing on examples from China and India, Betsy Otto, Xiaotian Fu, and Sahana Goswami from the World Resource Institute present the benefits of circular economy approaches in urban wastewater treatment.

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