Investing in Asia’s Urban Future

By |2023-12-19T14:54:41+01:00January 23rd 2017|Finance, Resilient Cities and Climate|

Asia is one of the regions of the world that is experiencing extremely rapid urbanisation. The Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) has recently launched a photobook in which case studies of four cities in Asia illustrate innovative ways to tackle issues in key sectors such as flood and drainage management, water supply, transport and waste management.

Integrated Resource Management in Asian cities: The Urban Nexus

By |2023-12-19T14:24:13+01:00October 11th 2016|Resilient Cities and Climate, Sustainable Infrastructure|

The "Urban Nexus" is a theoretical and technical approach to integrated urban development. It introduces innovative and environmentally-friendly engineering solutions to improve the physical infrastructure of cities, and also promotes people-centered development. Our authors Ruth Erlbeck and Ralph Trosse describe how a low-cost, climate change resilient pilot house was built in the Philippines as part of the Nexus project.

“Those innovative instruments are now recognised as effective instruments to finance urban development”

By |2023-12-19T12:23:14+01:00August 2nd 2016|Finance, Good Governance|

Subnational Pooled Financing Mechanisms (SPFMs) are expected to play an increasingly strategic role in financing sustainable development. Jean-François Habeau, Executive Director of the international cities network FMDV, talks about the benefits and specific challenges of Subnational Pooled Financing Mechanisms for developing countries.

“Cities are the future driving force in Asia”

By |2023-12-19T10:36:13+01:00July 21st 2016|Finance, Sustainable Infrastructure|

There is no shortage of ideas for sustainable development projects in Asia. However, often the financial resources provided for environmental and climate protection projects as well as waste water, energy or infrastructure projects is scarce. The Cities Development Initiative for ASIA (CDIA) supports Asian cities in finding investors and building their infrastructure. In an interview with Urbanet CDIA-Coordinator for GIZ Claudia Hermes explains how the CDIA works and what the idea behind it is.

Governance and accountability – building partnerships with the urban poor

By |2023-12-19T10:27:11+01:00July 21st 2016|Finance, Gender and Inequalities|

In the international context, public private partnerships are gaining more and more relevance. To avoid leaving the urban poor behind in these processes, many Asian cities have established community driven partnerships to promote inclusiveness.

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